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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Title: Optimization of hydrometallurgical processing of steelmaking dusts from electric arc furnace form Železiarňach Podbrezová a.s.,


Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Tomáš Havlík, DrSc.

Summary: A big portion of dusts is created during remelting of steel scrap. These include mostly oxides of iron, but also zinc, lead, cadmium, calcium, etc. oxides are present, too. Both of heavy metals content and granularity causes that these waste are taken as hazardous. On other hand, iron and zinc content offers the possibility of its material recycling.

The hydrometallurgical method of material recycling of EAF dust is studied in the framework of the project by using of pilot-plant of Laboratory of industrial waste processing. This waste comes from ŽeleziarnePodbrezová, a.s.

Main aims of the project are:

  • determination of optimum conditions of obtaining of commercial products based on zinc
  • treatment and recirculation of waste water from these processes
  • recovery of useable recyclate based of iron

The pilot-plant suggested and constructed at Institute of Recycling Technologies of Faculty of Metallurgy of Technical university of Kosice is used for this purpose.