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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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WIDEX - Knowledge Transfer for Widened EU Excellence in Advanced Green Technologies, Sustainability and Research Management (Grant Agreement: 101159826)

The WIDEX project aims to ensure sustainable access to essential raw materials for Europe's strategic economic sectors, promoting recycling and green, non-invasive mining technologies. The consortium of eleven partners, led by the Technical University of Košice, will work on enhancing capabilities in exploration, sustainability, research management, and knowledge transfer among partners.


Experience from a the Ulysseus - DaNang Education, Research & Innovation Forum event in Da Nang, Vietnam.

On March 28-30, 2023 doc. Ing. Martina Laubertova, PhD. participated in the Ulysseus - DaNang Education, Research & Innovation Forum event in Da Nang, Vietnam, as a member of the TUKE delegation led by the Rector.


The Modern Metallurgy - „Iron and Steelmaking 2023“ conference

It is a traditionally organized annual Slovak-Polish-Czech conference, where other partners are VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta materiálově technologická, Katedra metalurgie a slévárenství a PolitechnikaŚląska, InstytutTechnologii Metali.

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Experience from a work trip at VITO, UMICORE and AURUBIS in Belgium.

On March 28-30, 2023 doc. Ing. Martina Laubertova, PhD. and Ing. Zita Takacova, PhD. went on a business trip to Belgium, where they visited the companies VITO, AURUBIS and UMICORE.


Students of the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling on a field trip in KOSIT a.s. in Kosice

They looked at the entire process of processing mixed municipal waste with energy recovery, the separation line for manual sorting of plastic waste and the process of mechanical treatment of bulk waste.

Students of the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling on a field trip in Danucem Slovensko a.s. Turňa nad Bodvou

As part of the field trip, the students saw the various technological steps of batch preparation and cement production.


New director of the Institute of Recycling Technologies

Dean of the Faculty of Materials Metallurgy and Recycling of the Technical University in Košice doc. Ing. Iveta Vasková, PhD., Appointed doc. Doc. Ing. Dušan Oráč, PhD., Who replaced prof. Ing. Tomáš Havlik, DrSc. due to the end of the term of office.

Prof. Ing. Tomáš Havlik, DrSc., Was the head of the Department of Non-ferrous Metals and Waste Processing at the Faculty of Metallurgy of the Technical University in Košice from 1 June 2000, later after the organizational change and transformation of the departments from 1 February 2016 the director of the Institute of Recycling Technologies.

The dean thanks Prof. HAVLIK for his work done so far for the benefit of the department and the faculty, and wishes the new director many successes, many creative ideas and the institute under his leadership prosperity and further development.


CHROMIC Workshop: Material Recycling of Waste

Institute of Recycling Technologies, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling to hold a Workshop at Technical University of Kosice, March 26th, 2020, Focused on Material Recycling of Waste in the H2020 project - CHROMIC.


Engineering for Environment Protection – TOP 2018

Invitation to the 24th International Scientific Conference TOP2018, which will be held from 19 to 21 September 2018 at the PANORAMA RESORT **** Hotel in Štrbské Pleso

Conference webpage

Steelmaking slags recycling in the H2020 project – CHROMIC

Institute of Recycling Technologies, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling to Hold Workshop at Technical University of Kosice, May 17, 2018, Focused on Steelmaking slags recycling in the H2020 project - CHROMIC.

Invitation Program

Awards for Best Student Work at the International Conference TOP 2017

Our recent graduates Ing. Vladimir Dzuro and Ing. Marek Matiscsák was awarded the TOP 2017 conference.

More IRT Awards

Course of professor Thomas Pretz(RWTH Aachen, Germany)

IRT invites you to the course Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) 3. - 5. October 2017; 9:10 - 12:00 in L9_423


ERASMUS+ Lecture

Dr. Bora Derin, associated professor of Istanbul Technical University, Turkey was held a lecture at Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling , Institute of Recycling Technologies on September 13, 2017.



effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials


International Conference Quo Vadis Recycling

Institute of Recycling Technologies hosted 6th International Conference QVR in June 2017. Photographs and other materials will be published on the conference webpage.

link to conference webpage

Erasmus stay at IRT

During the winter semester 2016/17 our institute hosted Erasmus moblity student Viola Möbs from our partner university RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY .

Article - My Erasmus stay

Best PhD. works at TUKE

On 16.11.2016 Best doctoral thesis competition was held. Prize for best work from kvality and design point of view gained Ing. Anna Kochmanová with work: Skúmanie metód a vývoj postupov recyklácie odpadov s obsahom prvkov vzácnych zemín.


Why study at IRT?

New bulletin of IRT is out!


Material Recycling of Industrial Waste

Conference of IRT and ŽPVVC s.r.o.
22.-23.09.2016, Hotel Stupka, Tále, Horná Lehota


Award of the Minister of Environment of the Slovak Republic

IRT was awarded at International Conference TOP 2016


Best student's work

Graduate student Ing. Patrik Kuruc was awarded at TOP 2016 for work Využitie ozónu pri recyklácii odpadov a získavaní deficitných kovov



30.05.2016 (Monday) at 13:00
Where: room 423



Monday 16.5.2016 o 13:00 seminar "Experiences from Erasmus+ mobility at VŠB TU Ostrava a AGH Krakov" Zuzany Chmelíkovej a Patrície Krištofovej
Kde: učebňa 423


International cooperation

Institute of Recycling Technologies TUKE and the Department of Processing and Recycling RWTH Aachen collaborate on project ReCoMet (Research Cooperation Metal Recycling).


XXI. Slovak - Czech Spectroscopic Conference

16. - 20. október 2016
Liptovský Ján


Establishment of IRT

The Institute of Recycling Technologies (IRT) at Faculty of Metallurgy was formed on 01. 2. 2016 from two separated departments, in particular, Department of Non-ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment and Department of Chemistry



28.1.2016 at 13:00

Where: educational centre L9_A-421

Programme Other seminars

prof. Ing. Tomáš Havlík, DrSc. and doc. Ing. Dušan Oráč, PhD.

Read about their visit at the Department of Processing and Recycling of RWTH Aachen University.


New educational centres at Faculty of Metallurgy

Two new centres were founded (L9_A-421 a PK14-1).
There is study literature available at these centres.

List of all available books

Support Science and Education at IRT

Give 2% of Your taxes to the Non-investment fund – Fund of R.Kammel, n.f

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