CENSO Technical University of Košice TUKE mail MAIS Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling Phone directory

Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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During its almost sixty years long history, the Institute of Recycling and Environmental Technologies (before: Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment) had and has the research cooperation with many domestic and foreign partners in the educational and research and science field as well. The most important were and are Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, AGH Cracow, Poland, BA Freiberg, Germany, NME  Miskolc, Hungary, TU Ostrava, Czech Republic, TU Berlin, Germany, University of Liege, Belgium, RWTH Aachen, Germany, Aalto University Helsinki, Finland, University L’Aquila, Italy, UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil, NTUA Athens, Greece, University of Crethe, Greece University of Birmingham, Great Britain and many other.

In the field of the research and science there are the following cooperating institutions : Outotec Oyj, Finland, Interoceanmetal Joint Organization, Poland, Norsk Hydro, Norway, Rio Tinto Alcan Děčín Extrusions Ltd., Czech Republic. In Slovakia there are Slovalco a.s. Žiar nad Hronom, Sloval,s.r.o. Žiar nad Hronom, Sapa Group Žiar nad Hronom, ŽP Podbrezová a.s., Kosit a.s. Košice, FeCuPrAl spol. s r.o Prešov, US Steel Košice, s.r.o, Košice, Copper Smelter a.s., Krompachy and many other.

Services offered by faculty

  • Assessment of Al-issues occurring in alkaline water sludge field,
  • Processing linings of aluminum electrolysis cell,
  • Analysis of processing options - adjustments to the foundry sands,
  • Hydrometallurgy of sulphide materials,
  • Recovery of precious metals from waste,
  • Recovery of copper, tin, lead from waste of electric and electronic equipment,
  • Chemical and phase analysis of samples,
  • Recycling of dusts from scrap copper smelting,
  • Recycling of dusts from the production of pig iron,
  • Recycling of dusts from basic oxygen steelmaking converter,
  • Recycling of dusts from the production of steel in electric arc furnaces,
  • Recycling of slag from the production of pig iron,
  • Recycling of steel slag,
  • Treatment and recycling of Al skimming,
  • Processing and recycling of spent batteries and accumulators,
  • Processing and recycling of industrial wastes containing zinc,
  • Processing and recycling of industrial waste containing tin,
  • Material analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW),
  • Recycling of selected components from separately collected fractions of MSW,
  • Physical treatment and sorting of waste and (raw) materials and research in this area,
  • Experimental testing of hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical and combined methods for waste treatment in order to obtain metals and other materials (compounds),
  • Suggestions of recycling technologies and preparation of know-how for waste processing,
  • Assessment in matters of waste,
  • Professional consultations on issues of treatment and recycling of waste,
  • Training of personnel practices in the production of non-ferrous metals and waste processing,
  • Preparation of technical studies in the field of recycling and production of non-ferrous metals,
  • Realization of elemental and phase analysis of raw materials and the overall characterization of starting materials, intermediates and products processing
