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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Name of the project: Metals recovery from leachates of slags and industrial waste waters.

Project refference number: 1/0008/21 VEGA

Principal investigator: doc. RNDr. Ľubomír Pikna, PhD.

Anotation: The project is focused on the use of electrocoagulation in the recovery process of selected metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, Sn, Mn, Mo and V) from poly-component solid and liquid wastes coming from metallurgical plants (slags, industrial waste waters). Increasing of the process efficiency and increasing of the metal content in solid product above 20% is expected by modification of electrocoagulation by means of impulse method and testing of electrode pairs (Al-Al, Al-Fe, Fe-Fe, Fe-Cu, stainless steel-Fe, possibly others according to recovered metal and sample character). Combination of electrocoagulation and suitable separation methods will result in products containing metals of interest, separation of other contaminants up to recovery of uncontaminated water in the final phase.