Title: The issue of critical and heavy metals determination in the strategically important raw materials.
Principal investigator: doc. RNDr. Silvia Ružičková, PhD.
Summary: The project reflects to the information and methodical vacuum in the field of waste of electrical and electronical equipment (WEEE) processing, sample preparation needed to its decomposition and metals content determination. In consideration lack of methods given to this complicated multicomponent material preparation, there is challenge to find solution for this problem. The new procedures should be near to „green chemistry“ phenomena because of development sustainability and environmental protection. The decomposition method optimization by microwave (MW) radiation, application to WEEE decomposition means further aim of the project. To WEEE evaluation as a secondary raw material, the elements content monitoring is necessary. Optimization and complex validation of two spectral methods – Atomic absorption spectrometry with high- resolution continuum source (HR CS AAS) and optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-OES) for purposes of analysis is a matter of interest to this project.