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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Title: Development, modification and optimisation of fractionation and preconcentration procedures for make more effective monitoring of water ecosystems quality in the industrial sites

Principal investigator: doc. Ing. Dagmar Remeteiová, PhD.


Summary: The quality of water ecosystems in the industrially polluted areas is strongly influenced by the mobility of risk elements (metals) between the solid components: sediments and biofilms. The behaviour of metals in these systems is subject to reactions between the solid and liquid phase, solid phase sorption characteristics and ecological conditions. The ability of the solids to mobilize or immobilize a portion of the total metal content it is possible to control by various methods of fractionation analysis. Very low (trace and ultra-trace) content of metals in the extracts and natural waters are often undetectable by available quantitative analytical method and it is not possible to use another method, it is necessary their content to preconcentrate. For this purpose is often used solid phase extraction (SPE) or cloud point extraction (CPE), which enable effective preconcentration or separation of analyte before its analysis. The most attention on the development of the SPE and CPE method will be concentred.