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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Title: Research Cooperation Metal Recycling (ReCoMet)

Principal investigator: prof. Ing. Tomáš Havlik, DrSc.

Acronym: ReCoMet

Anotation: Since November 2015 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the 2-year starting phase of the “Research Cooperation Metal Recycling” (ReCoMet). During the ReCoMet Cooperation an infrastructural and strategic network of two highly ranked research institutions, Department of Processing and Recycling (I.A.R.) of RWTH Aachen University and Institute of Recycling Technologies (IRT) of Faculty of Metallurgy of Technical University of Kosice, is build up to improve their knowledge in the field of metal recovery of low-grade waste streams.

During the cooperation a technical study will be executed with the working title “Metal recycling: Chances and obstacles”. Within this study, the expertise of both research institutions is combined, to identify research gaps in the field of metal recycling. Furthermore, workshops and other activities will be carried out for members of the research institutions and industrial partners, which are interested in the cooperation.

The project upon which this publication is based is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under project number 01DS15023. This publication reflects the views of the authors only.
