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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Master theses

Current master theses in the academic year 2024/2025

II. Ing.

Supervisor Student Topic of thesis
doc. Ing. Pavol Liptai, PhD. Bc. Leokádia Malecová Use of recycled materials for sound insulation purposes in acoustic materials and constructions.
doc. Ing. Martina Laubertová, PhD. Bc. Alexandra Janitorová Recovery of discarded fluorescent lamps containing critical raw materials.
doc. Ing. Zita Takáčová, PhD. Bc. Martin Kurian Metals recovery from leachate after leaching of active mass from spent rechargeable lithium batteries.
doc. RNDr. Mária Heželová, PhD. Bc. Daniela Krajňáková Application of electrocoagulation in the removal of non-metallic contaminants from wastewater.
Ing. Jana Pirošková, PhD. Bc. Lea Toporceová Material potential of the neutralization plant sludge from the galvanizing process.
doc. RNDr. Silvia Ružičková, PhD. Bc. Kamil Hirjak Treatment of ferrous wastes generated in the U. S. Steel Košice metallurgical plant with a focus on ecological and economic aspects of production.

I. Ing.

Supervisor Student Topic of thesis
doc. Ing. Zita Takáčová, PhD. Bc. Daniel Kasarda The application of thermal processes in the treatment of the active mass of spent lithium batteries.
prof. Ing. Jarmila Trpčevká, CSc. Bc. Samuel Marián Onderko Increasing the recycling of metallurgical sludges using magnetic separation of their metal-bearing parts.

Procedures at chosing the topic of diploma thesis

  1. A student choses a topic.
  2. His/Her chosing will personally discuss with a potential supervisor
  3. After consultation will apply for a topic on the secretary of IRT (Mrs. Sebekova)
  4. More than one student can apply for one topic
  5. A supervisor will chose a student for a topic on the basis of his own criterium
  6. Students who will not chosen by a supervisor have to apply for another topic
  7. If a student will not chose a topic, head of the department will assign a topic to a student
  8. After chosing a topic, student has to register his topic into MAIS