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Institute of Recycling and
Environmental Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Topics of the PhD. works

Student Supervisor Topic
Ing. Alexandra Kollová doc. Ing. Martina Laubertová, PhD. Recovery of slags from copper production
Ing. Klaudia Kundráková prof. Ing. Jarmila Trpčevká, CSc. Possibilities of industrial sludge valorization
Ing. Vladimír Marcinov doc. Ing. Dušan Oráč, PhD. Lithium-ion Battery Recycling
Ing. Šimon Nagy doc. Ing. Pavol Liptai, PhD. Possibilities of using recycled zinc in the electrical industry
Ing. Michaela Ružičková doc. Ing. Martina Laubertová, PhD. Non-traditional sources of raw materials and their potential use in metal production
Ing. Petra Růžičková doc. Ing. Dušan Oráč, PhD. Study of leachate processing from the hydrometallurgical recycling process of lithium-based electrochemical cells
Ing. Kristína Talianová doc. Ing. Zita Takáčová, PhD. Study of the complex recovery of precious metals from discarded smartphones and batteries